Energy certificate

Energy certificate: What is it good for? When do you need one? And what for?

When selling a used or newly built real property, it is mandatory to obtain a so-called energy certificate as it is has to be attached to the property registration request submitted to the Land Registry in order to have the title of the new owner registered.

What is the point?

The answer may be clear from the above image: in Hungary, households use 35-45 percent of all energy, so it is definitely worth introducing saving measures in this area. In this climate, about 80 percent of the energy used in household is used for heating and domestic hot water production, with the remaining 20 percent going to lighting and running household appliances. Mandatory certification stems from the European Union's long-term energy policy, which has been aiming to increase the energy efficiency of buildings and the use of renewable energy sources since the 1980s.

Részletek és Információ

Tóth Réka

Sales Executive