I am Gábor Bálányi, one of the most cheerful and newest members of House Hunters Real Estate Office. . I worked in the catering industry for nearly 10 years where I met a lot of different types of people and made myself understood, a skill which I also utilise in my private life. At the same time, I have been in the world of real estate for years now. I specialize in real estate development, remodelling and renovation. I think dealing with this form of real estate business is cut out for me since, as an owner, I have already had the experience in competing in this field as well. The beauty of the profession lies in finding a home for people or helping them to take the next step in their lives by selling their home, while at the same time we get to know a new story behind each person. I believe that every new experience we have in life, one which gets us out of our comfort zone, also gives us a new impetus that is inevitable for us to be happy in the long run. I hope this happiness will be seen when customers get to know me and when I gain their trust. The rest comes by itself, I guarantee that 🙂